miércoles, 20 de marzo de 2019

Why I love Micaiah, and why I want her in Smash.

I want to start saying that Fire Emblem is my second favorite franchise from Nintendo and in the videogame industry in general, only Smash it above it, and Kirby it’s the only other franchise that comes close to my love and dedication, it give me exciting adventures and stories, a incredible fun way to play strategy games I have never seen in my life and done in a quite simple way, I love the RPG Elements the game has; it also give me tons of new characters to known and like in their stories, people like Marth, Caeda, Minerva, Sigurd, Roy, Sophia, Nino, Lucina and more. But above all of them, she is different from the rest.

Micaiah is very important to me in a very personal way, I have a quite interesting story with her since I know of her existence, even before playing her game some years ago; in fact, I would say my story as a fan of Micaiah started when I was seeing the Speculation of Super Smash Bros. Brawl; learning everyday above new characters and stuff from the games, after all I loved MeIee, I definitely wanted to get Brawl and their gigantic collection of characters, engaging game design and other stuff we love about Smash.

During the Speculation I learned about one of the games related to this speculation; it’s name was Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn; Fire Emblem was a franchise I knew about quite loosely thanks to some videos talking about Marth’s moves; and other stuff like that; it was a game I notice a few times in the store, and also found a bit about in magazines; I mostly remember from that time the pictures of the bulky Ike, the handsome green-head and the quite charming Silver-Haired Maiden; after the release of Brawl and after playing quite a lot I ended up checking the Trophies; I remember finding the Sothe Trophy, looking pretty much the same as the artworks in the magazines, with his description having a “Micaiah” character being quite prominent of it; after exploring the stickers in my times of boredom I made the connection; the Micaiah was indeed the Silver Girl from the Radiant Dawn Pictures.

In 2009, the year I was trying to complete Smash Bros Brawl again (because my first copy of the game died… and the Wii Console with it) was also the year I started properly to play Fire Emblem, and fall in love with the mechanics and the overall feeling; during this time I also started to investigate more about the franchise; I discovered many things, but the most relevant thing for today’s post in the fact I found that Micaiah was indeed the Main Character of Radiant Dawn; not just bulky Ike; and since that day it hurts my head understand why Sothe has a Trophy in the Brawl, but Micaiah doesn’t… that don’t make sense, after all Sothe’s importance in Radiant Dawn it was pretty much connected to be Micaiah’s bodyguard and best friend.

After this my young mind started to speculate the potential reasons for years; I never had a proper answer; but I was sure I wanted to play Radiant Dawn; the game looked awesome and the quite mysterious image of Micaiah was around it, it would learn something after play it.

I start feeling a special attachment to her, even before I played her game; I wanted to know her and Radiant Dawn better somehow; in 2012 and beyond I started seeing people discuss about the game, their characters and became quite connected with the cast despite having little experience with the narrative and how the game actually worked in the practice; this was also a hyped time, Awakening had coming and many of the main characters that ended up being forgotten were (kinda) resurrected in the form of the the DLC Stuff; the Micaiah in the Dark Mage outfit it’s probably one of the things I remember the most from those times. Micaiah was a character that without a doubt fascinates me, but I don’t actually became a fan until a bit later.

Smash Bros Wii U arrives along with many new characters; Awakening was the newest thing released from Fire Emblem; so I was sure we’re gonna get something from that game; I wasn’t very into the community of Smash to see people talking about rumours and stuff; I just knew it we’re gonna get an Awakening Character, at it was; I think after seeing Megaman in the game I wasn’t very interested in any character in particular and that point, I was just happy with everything.

Then 2015 arrived, Mewtwo Striking Back brings happiness to old and new fans; it also was the beginning of the Ballot; and age where speculation went nuts without a doubt; and this was also the key moment for me to become a Micaiah fan.

I remember a close friend (that also is a Fire Emblem Fan) told me that he wanted Micaiah in Smash Bros; I was confuse for the idea, but I became to embrace it after understanding the potential she had as a magic and staff user; this was the beginning of one of my busiest years trying to understand Micaiah as a character with a more mature mind-set and it was finally the moment I was properly capable of getting the Radiant Dawn Experience.

When I was done, I love it; and simply love it; I would see the flaws in the balance and the rush in development, but I simply loved the concepts they decided to went with Micaiah and her story it’s probably the most interesting and engaging of the International Fire Emblem Games; Micaiah is such a sweet gal, but it’s also stubborn and a has a ton more will power, despite looking like a character that would depend in the world to don’t die; she is smart enough to be a competent leader, even in the actual lore; and that was awesome.

Since this moment I was sure I was a Micaiah fan, and I wanted to make something in her name to make people respect more a character that was misunderstood for many and for many reasons. It made search for answer for many questions both for the game’s design, and for Micaiah’s criticisms.

For example, before playing Radiant Dawn I learned from many old opinions about Micaiah’s “Special Kind” Capabilities (talking about most of them would be a spoiler, so if you’re interested I can talk about it), and they make her some kind of Mary Sue in their minds; I became more obsessed with narrative; and learned from many sources what it’s actually a Mary Sue, and what isn’t. In the end it would say Micaiah made me less lazy.

Now I dedicate to write and share stuff to show how Micaiah would work in Smash Bros, to help other people understand her character better, and in general share Micaiah Love.

- Troykv (The Dawn's Historian and Micaiah4Smash Main Admin